Saturday, January 21, 2012

Here She is!

Here it is! The first official posting of our blog. This is going to be the next big thing, I just know it! "Blogging with Besties" I can see it now! Anyway, as you know, this is our blog...just for us...TEAM Quattro! Just in case any of you forgot,
T - Taylor
E - Emma
A - Allie
M - Maggie
I know you all knew that, but I just put it up there for reassurance! Well, I guess this blog can be anything and everything we want! As you can see, I put some pictures up on the side and we can post anything we'd like - pieces of writing, quotes, pictures, etc. - you name it! It is going to be our special location that holds everything that defines our friendship, which might I add, is something that I really cherish! We all have such different personalities, yet all of us accept each other as we are. Although our friend group goes way beyond just the four of us, knowing that I will always be able to come to you three for advice, support and everything in between, is something that not a lot of people have. We will always be here for each other through thick and thin, and that my friends (no pun inetended) is something we have to hold on tight to. We always have so much fun together and I believe that having this blog will bring us even closer. We can post events on here, almost like an invite, or we can write each other notes. Man, I can think of tons of stuff we could do with this blog. It is going to be awesome and I am excited to see where it takes us. I love all of you, and always remember...WE DA SHJK!


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