Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Truth is...

Emma: Truth is, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love you so much, and I hope you have the amazing day you truly deserve! May all your wishes come true :) Anyways, back to the truth stuff. Truth is, I miss you! Even though you are still one of my best friends, I kind of feel like over the years we've faded from each other a little bit. I really hope that we can become as close as we  used to be, because I miss it so much! Ohh, those were the days...all the videos, playing Rock Band, eating goldfish and lemonade...the list goes on forever. You are such a beautiful girl, both inside and out. I hope you know that I am always here for you whenever you need to talk, and I will never ever judge you (that goes for the rest of you guys too!). I know sometimes you don't want to let other people know how you are feeling, but you can always come to me whenever you need to. I'm so sorry that people are mean and annoying to you, truthfully, they are jealous of you and want what you have! Don't let their stupidity bring you down! Even though we aren't the closest of close anymore, I still think of you as one of my best friends. I value our friendship so much, and I am soo happy I have you as one of my closest friends! I hope we can become a lot closer again, I miss you! LOVE YOU SO MUCH <3 (love, Jane (remember that one??))

Maggie: Truth is, you're great. Plan and simple. Just great. You are soo outgoing and comfortable in your skin, I love that about you! You don't care what anyone else thinks about you and that's amazing; never ever change for anyone. You make me laugh whenever I'm sad or annoyed with other people, so thank you for that :). Also, you are one beaut Marge, inside and out, I guess that's why you're my wife <3. Even though it's only been a little over a year, I feel like I've known you my whole life! It's crazy how good of friends people can become so instantly. I'm blessed to have such a wonderful person as one of my best friends. Like I said to Emma, I'm always here for you whenever you need me, remember that. I know you've had your struggles in the past, and I hope you know that I'm here to help you through, that's what I'm here for; don't let anyone bring you down from your amazingness. Welll, we've had our share of laughs over the year, and I'm sure a million gazillion more to come; I can't wait! I think that concludes my speech, so adios, and remember, I love you SOOOOO incredibly much, Marge <3 (love, Allyn)

Taylor (Bambi): Truth is, you are one awesome and strong girl! You've had your battles this year, and somehow you remain such a strong person! It's amazing, and I'm so proud of you for that; you didn't let anyone get you down and that's awesome! Forget about the haters, and remember the ones who will ALWAYS be here for you (US)! Like the others, I'm always here for you no matter what. I know in the past we've had our little moments, but we come out of each one stronger; that's how I can tell we were meant to be great friends. I hope we continue to keep getting closer and closer :). You are one of my best friends, and I love you a whole lot, like a lot a lot.  You are sooo incredibly pretty, both on the inside and out, like holy cow. I'm so happy I have you as one of my best friends. We've had some amazing times together, too many to even count! Even though you think that you have changed a little over the past months, deep down you are still the amazing and fun girl I know and love. It might take a while for you to heal and return to the normal you, but don't worry, you haven't lost yourself! We as your best friends will help you through everything you ever encounter, and try to make everything better :). To sum this novel up, I would like to remind you that I love you sooooooooooooooooooooooo much, and I value our friendship just as much! LOVE YOU! <3 (love, Thumper)

Everyone: Truth is, you guys are hands down my best friends. Even though I have a lot of other close friends, I know that you are and hopefully always will be my best and closest friends. I honestly don't know what I would do without all of you; you all complete me. I have so much to thank you guys for, but not a lot of room, so I'll sum it up. Thank you for everything you've ever done, I really appreciate it and love you guys! Our friendship is a great one, and I am so thankful for that. Although I don't specifically have one best friend, I'm proud to say that all of you are my best friends. I know I can go to you with anything and trust you with anything, and I hope you know that I am here for the same reason. You are all beautiful people, and I value our friendship so much; you all mean the world to me! I love you all SOOOOO freaking much <3! TEAM for life.

Love, Allie

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