Saturday, January 28, 2012

Truth is by Emma Anne

Last one now! haha of course it's me...sorry guuys but hey at least it didnt take me a month so im improving:) alright here she goes.....

Allie, truth is.....
            I totally know where you are coming from. I feel the exact same way that we have kind of drifted away from eachother. I am really sorry about that because that is mostly my fault. In middle school we used to hang out every day after school and I got to see you all the time, but since high school has started everything changed and I dont like it. I know I use this as an excuse all the time but its because it is true..I am always so busy and I never have time for anything anymore. I really wish I did because I miss all the times we used to have and thinking back to them...we had so much fun. I have so many videos and pictures just from like 2 years of being friends with you and we were so close. I miss that and I want to change it somehow becuase I feel like I have kind of taken our relationship for granted and figure your just gonna be there so I dont need to keep you as close, but I have realized that thats not true. I will try and get as close to what we used to had because you and I both miss that. I am so glad your still one of my closest friends though. You always have the nicest things to say and I can always count on you to make me laugh:) You are one of the most kind and genuine people I know and wouldnt hurt a that how you spell that? I dont even know. haha but whatever. We always have good talks because I can relate to you alot and we always have like similar thoughts if you know what i mean..telepathy! :O haha well like I said we have had so many good times together and only you and I truely know what those were and were like and it was so fun. I just thought about how we were obsessed with justin bieber and we actually got to go to his concert! that was freaking amazing even if were were in the back and couldnt see a thing haha. and those bathrooms...oh boy! d.i.s.g.u.s.t.i.n.g. But anyways:) I want you to know that you are one of my best friends and I love you. Anyone would be lucky to know you because how good of a heart you have and how honest you are. Everyone needs that kind of a person in there lives. Dont change allie because that is one of the many things you have going for you. And dont let anyone influence you or tell you otherwise. My mom always tells me to stay true to myself..and that has to be one of the best pieces of advice. So stay true to who you are because you are a great girl inside and out. People just be jealous:):P haha love you girl and I cross my heart and say that I will do my best to get back to the friendship we used to have and share more hilarious moments:)

Maggie, truth is....
             I want you to know that I dont feel as close to you. Not to be mean at all, its just something that I want to get off my chest. I want to be honest with you. I dont know I just feel like sometimes we dont give eachother a chance. This totally may not be what you see or feel but I am just telling you how I feel some times..this isnt all the times because there are many times were I feel super close to you and I love it! This has just been recently. I feel like you dont tell me as much as you do everyone else and like in art the reason I wouldnt talk that much is because when you and allie would get there you guys would talk to whole time and then I would never want to butt in because idk just seemed like you were in such a good conversation. idk it just makes me sad sometimes and idk if you notice it too or what but I feel like I barely talk to you and especially since we dont have any classes together. I want to know what you think of this because otherwise I am still going to be confused. I am sorry if that like hurt you or anything but i wanted to tell the truth. But it doesnt mean that there isnt anything great and amazing that we have because there is:) You have to be the funniest person I know and I love that you dont care what anyon else thinks. Your just you and thats the best thing anyone can be. I seriously can always count on you to make me laugh...thanks to you I will live ten million years longer:) haha. Your also so nice and innocent and I love how open you are and dont care if others hear you. Even though I only met you last year, I feel like I have known you for a long time. I am happy we have gotten to know eachother and I am happy to call you one of my best friends. You are one of the best friends anyone could ever ask for because you are always willing to listen to anyone and have good advice. I want to be one of those friends you go up to with anything and just spill your heart out to and we just talk forever and cry and laugh and eat a bunch of crap food but we wouldnt care.hahaha i can just picture it now:) I want to stay close though our whole lives though because I need a Maggie Schauer in my life. I know you have been though a lot in your personal family life and what not and I know the general information about that but I want you to feel comfortable enough to share those stories with me. I am here whenever you need me. Your a great person and i love ya:) i promise you I will also try harder to get to know you more. Oh and dont are beautiful in every single way, words wont bring you down...err however that song goes:):P listen to it and believe it!

 -and finally-

Taylor, truth is....
            You are by far the most chill and layed back person I know and I love it! I am the most comfortable around you out of anyone I know because I know you wont judge me for who I am. I have been friends with you for a long time and for as long as I can remember we have never gotten in a fight. Idk about you but i think that is crazy amazing because it shows that we will work through anything. I am so happy I have known you for as long as I have and I cant wait for the many years to come. We have had so many hilarious times together to the point where I was like rolling on the floor and couldnt stand up:):p but you are so funny and like everyone else, I can count on you to make me laugh all the time. I want you to know that you are the first person that comest to mind when I need to talk because you always are there to listen and then make me feel ten times better. Like even that little talk in english the other day helped a lot because I havent heard someone tell me that in a long time and it felt good to know that you were there for me. Every day our friendship grows even more and I cant wait to see how much more it will grow in the years to come. I never want you lose you as a friend. I want to stay super close through everything. I want you to be the friend that I go with to everything and do whatever with. I can see it now...Us in those prom dresses everyday just chillin ahah:) Yeah i wish we would look like them. But we can try:) It will happen tho no worries:) Your truth is may not be as long but thats because i have said almost everything i need to. You are so strong and hold your ground well. You have a good attitude and always have stories to tell and things to say. No matter how strict your parents may be or how much "certain people" in the school "hate you for no reason" do let down, stay strong and stay happy because your smile brings smiles to everyone else. You are an overall good person with a good heart and whoever doesnt see that is crazy out of their minds. I love you girl and dont forget it:)

Everyone, truth is....
           I love all of you so much and am so thankful to have such amazing friends always there for me. I have been struggling this past year or so alot with confusion about friends and who I really am. I know that sounds kind of stupid but its true. I may seem happy most of the time but "I am far from perfect and I dont understand why people cant see that. Its just the way I am and I wish people could except that. Im not perfect, I am just trying to be the best me." That was my truth is that we had to write down and I hope you guys can see that about me, because if not I dont know what else I can do. Its been so hard trying to find myself and be able to be happy all of the time but you guys have really brought light to my eyes to see the good things in life and have inspired me to not care about anything else but what is close to me and that is our friendship. Friends for life...thats what we will always be.


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