Monday, January 23, 2012

Truth is...
Maggie, you are without a doubt the craziest, most outgoing person I know - and I love you for that. Honestly, you have been there for me through everything (at least while you've been here) and it is ridiculous how close we got so fast - considering I have only known you for about a year and a half. :) You are the type of friend who straight up says the truth, even if it isn't what I want to hear. You care about me and what I need and want me to be happy. That is the definition of a true friend, and I love you so so much! Whenever I need a shoulder to cry on, you are right there to help me through. You have a heart of gold and I know I tell you this all the time, but you are beautiful on the outside, and more importantly, you are beautiful on the inside! We will be friends forever <4

Truth is...
Allie, (or shall I call you Thumper) where do I even start? I am so lucky to call you one of my closest friends; you are always there to listen, and I really appreciate that! You are super chill about stuff, and I love talking to you - and matching clothes with you like every single day :) Anyway, you are so pretty Allie, never let anyone make you feel or treat you less than you deserve! You are an amazing person too - never, ever, forget that! I hope we continue to grow closer, it seems that we always do!

Truth is...
Emma Anne Jansen we have had so many good times together, and we have so many inside jokes it's crazy! Like legit I could sit here and list off thousands...Silly Willy Sr./Jr...Ring a bell? :) Besides all the laughs we have had, you're a really important person in my life, and like we talked about in English today, I will always be here for you! Never forget that! No matter what, I will always accept you, because honestly you are such a cool person. Oh, and not to mention you are stunning, like wow, so gorgeous. But anyway, I love you dear and we have been friends for a long time. I hope, in fact I know, that our friendship will only get stronger!

Truth is...
All of you are amazing people, and I love each of you! You all have a special place in my heart, and like we talked about today with ABC, I will never take advantage of your friendship, because I am so blessed to have you all in my life! High school is a crazy roller-coaster, but with friends, it can be one amazing ride!

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